Issue and challenge:

Chlorine, in the form of chlorates, is the basic material for the manufacture of herbicides. The material is dampened with water and mixed with other chemicals appropriate for the final application to prepare it for further processing. This is done under a vacuum using a 2-shaft paddle mixer with screws rotating in opposite senses. In order to seal the shaft at the mixer housing, the operator required a seal with a shaft sleeve to protect the paddle shafts. It would have to keep the dusts and the chlorine gases generated in the process within the mixer housing, and its function would have to remain unimpaired by the presence of the powder.

Solution from EagleBurgmann Espey:

The Espey solution for the 2-shaft paddle mixer is a combined Espey WD200/500 with a connection for barrier gas and 3 seal rings. Its split housing permits assembly without dismantling the drive motors, and is designed for a temperature of 94 °C (201.2 °F), vacuum, and a rotation speed of 30 rpm. Dry air is used as the barrier medium; adequate quantities are available without additional supply equipment. The dust present at the seals inside the mixer is kept away from the sealing region by slip rings. Because the shafts of the paddle mixer do not have suitable wear protection, Espey designed a two-piece shaft sleeve with a suitable coating to protect the shaft. The seal solution has a long service life, is maintenance-free, and compensates for shaft movements.

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